
On 08-14-2020, at 10:28 PM, Augusta University Police Officers responded to Augusta University, University Village, room 3112.   When the Officers arrived they met with the complainant/resident assistant.  The complainant/resident assistant told the Officers while conducting a safety check on an open apartment door she smelled marijuana but did not find the resident.  The complainant/resident assistant requested the Officer conduct another safety check.  The Officers entered the apartment and found loose marijuana and drug paraphernalia in plain sight.  Further checks located the offender/student in the bathroom.  The violation was turned over to Housing and the marijuana was secured for destruction.  Anyone with additional information about this incident may contact the AU Police Department at 706-721-2911.

AU Police Updates

The purpose of the daily police updates is to record criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents that are reported to the AU Police Department. A crime will typically be entered into the crime log within two business days of the reporting to AUPD.